For advertisers

Boost your ROAS with real-time attention & engagement scoring

Leverage real-time insights to drive unparalleled ad relevance and effectiveness, tailored for OTT and CTV


Identify key audiences and ad formats

Learn what ads drives performance with a specific audience and ad format

Target in real time

Ensure that your campaigns only reach your desired target audience where and when they pay attention

Higher return on ad spend

Make every impression count and don't waste money on low value impressions

Digital dashboard displaying a circular progress bar at 63% with additional line charts showing percentages.

Engagement score

The engagement score looks at what a user interacts with, and how they interact with it

It collects session level data about the content, time spent, clicks, visits, percentage viewed etc
Nucleus’ machine learning calculates a single number from 1-100 indicating a user's engagement

Ad impact score

The ad impact score looks at how a user interacts with an ad

It collects session level data about the ad, time in view, duration, clicks, percentage viewed etc
Nucleus' machine learning calculates a single number from 1-100 indicating a user's attention
Start today
Digital dashboard displaying a circular progress bar at 63% with additional line charts showing percentages.




Target engagement and attention programmatically, and in real-time


Platform agnostic

Enable attention and engagement metrics in your desired campaign buying platform.


Audience platform

Get a granular overview of how your campaigns perform across ads & content in real-time


Privacy compliance

Prioritize aggregated, anonymized metrics over detailed personal data, safeguarding user privacy while delivering effective advertising experiences

Creative ways to use engagement scores

Engagement hotspots

Unlock the power of real-time engagement analytics to identify peak viewing periods and content types

Binge-watcher's special

Engage with audiences on marathon viewing sessions by tailoring your ads to their extended experience

Attention targeting

Utilize moments of peak engagement to gather insights on viewer preferences and retarget these users with personalized ads

Ad sequencing

Create a narrative with your ad placements, starting with a teaser and unfolding the story as viewer engagement rises

Regional engagement trends

Tap into regional engagement patterns to serve localized ads that resonate

Device-specific strategies

Analyze engagement scores across devices and optimize your ads for the platforms where your audience is most active

Resources & support


Links to in-depth guides on how to implement and utilize engagement and ad impact scoring in campaigns

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Customer support

Contact information to reach out for personalized assistance

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